Class: Plist4r::PlistType::Launchd::Sockets::Socket

Defined in:

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Plist4r::ArrayDict

#hash, #initialize, #select, #select_all, #to_hash, #unselect, #unselect_all

Methods included from Plist4r::DataMethods

#_respond_to?, #method_missing, #set_or_return, #set_or_return_of_type, #validate_value

Constant Summary

ValidKeys =
  :string  => %w[ SockType SockNodeName SockServiceName SockFamily SockProtocol \
                  SockPathName SecureSocketWithKey MulticastGroup ],

  :bool    => %w[ SockPassive ],

  :integer => %w[ SockPathMode ],

  :bool_or_string_or_array_of_strings => %w[ Bonjour ]

Constants included from Plist4r::DataMethods

ClassesForKeyType, ValidKeys, ValidKeysTemplate

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Plist4r::ArrayDict

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Plist4r::DataMethods